In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Law No. +33145585286 of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the Digital Economy, known as LCEN, we inform users and visitors of the site: www.foodre .fr the following information:
The site is the exclusive property of RECECOF-SAS, which publishes it.
RECECOF SAS with capital of €1,+33145585286
Tel: 33145585286
Whose registered office is at 23, Parc de la Bérengère, 92210, Saint-Cloud
Whose premises are located at 2, allée de la Bertelotte, 75015, Paris
Such. : Shortly
Mobile & WhatsApp: 33145585286 or 33145585286
Intra-community VAT number: FR 33145585286
(Law of January 6, 1978 amended by regulation EU 33145585286 In accordance with European regulation EU +33145585286 amending the law of January 6, 1978, FOODRE informs you that it intends to proceed with the automated processing of personal data concerning you, when of your visit to our website.
The collection of this data takes place when filling out the contact form or an online application.
You can always, and at your sole discretion, refuse to provide one or more personal data.
The quality of the service that we could provide you could then be affected, in particular to be able to contact you. In this context, FOODRE implements rules for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.
FOODRE is responsible for processing personal data.
This information is:
For the contact form: First name, last name, company, e-mail, telephone, date and number of guests at the event.
These data are collected and stored by FOODRE directly, for the sole purpose of being able to contact you.
The purpose pursued is therefore to provide you with the best possible service following your use of our website and any request for information or service that you may make there. Your e-mail address may also, and after having received your express agreement, be used to send you our commercial communications. You can unsubscribe from this communication list at any time.
FOODRE is the sole recipient of the data collected.
The data collected is not transmitted to a third party or transferred to a third country.
You can at any time:
• oppose the collection of this data,
• ask for access,
• request their modification,
• request their deletion,
• request their portability (return of data),
• withdraw your consent to data collection
• lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority.
You can contact FOODRE at any time at the following address:
The personal data collected is kept by FOODRE for a period of 2 years.
The site is hosted by 1&1 IONOS SARL (7, place de la Gare, BP 70109, 57200 Sarreguemines Cedex, +33145585286 RCS Sarreguemines, tel.: +33145585286,